1,145 research outputs found

    La place des cours de recherche dans la formation des enseignants du degré primaire

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    Ce mémoire professionnel vise à s’interroger quant à la place qu’occupent les cours de recherche dans le cursus de formation des futurs enseignants du degré primaire étudiant à la HEP-BEJUNE. Depuis la création des Hautes Ecoles Pédagogique en lieu et place des Ecoles normales, une dimension réflexive et scientifique fut introduite au sein des plans de cours, ceci afin de permettre aux étudiants d’adopter des postures critiques et objectives et à identifier et définir des problématiques pertinentes. Le cadre théorique tend tout d’abord à cerner la problématique en s’intéressant tant au cadre légal qui entoure la formation des enseignants qu’aux théories scientifiques qui mettent l’accent sur le caractère indispensable d’une interaction permanente entre théorie et pratique. Il s’agit, par la suite, de savoir si la recherche possède un impact sur la pratique quotidienne des enseignants ayant étudié à la HEP-BEJUNE. La méthodologie consistait ainsi à soumettre un questionnaire aux enseignants du Jura bernois et de la Bienne romande. Nous découvrons, entre autre, que, si une majorité des participants interrogés admettent que, lors de leur formation, ils n’arrivaient pas ou peu à lui reconnaître une quelconque légitimité, il est intéressant de relever qu’ils ne remettent pas nécessairement la recherche en question

    A multisensory approach to spatial updating: the case of mental rotations

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    Mental rotation is the capacity to predict the outcome of spatial relationships after a change in viewpoint. These changes arise either from the rotation of the test object array or from the rotation of the observer. Previous studies showed that the cognitive cost of mental rotations is reduced when viewpoint changes result from the observer’s motion, which was explained by the spatial updating mechanism involved during self-motion. However, little is known about how various sensory cues available might contribute to the updating performance. We used a Virtual Reality setup in a series of experiments to investigate table-top mental rotations under different combinations of modalities among vision, body and audition. We found that mental rotation performance gradually improved when adding sensory cues to the moving observer (from None to Body or Vision and then to Body & Audition or Body & Vision), but that the processing time drops to the same level for any of the sensory contexts. These results are discussed in terms of an additive contribution when sensory modalities are co-activated to the spatial updating mechanism involved during self-motion. Interestingly, this multisensory approach can account for different findings reported in the literature

    Molybdenum-isotope signals and cerium anomalies in Palaeoproterozoic manganese ore survive high-grade metamorphism

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    Abstract Molybdenum (Mo) and its isotopes have been used to retrieve palaeoenvironmental information on the ocean–atmosphere system through geological time. Their application has so far been restricted to rocks least affected by severe metamorphism and deformation, which may erase or alter palaeoenvironmental signals. Environmental Mo-isotope signatures can be retrieved if the more manganese (Mn)-enriched rocks are isotopically depleted and the maximum range of δ98Mo values is close to the ~2.7‰ Mo-isotope fractionation known from Mo sorption onto Mn oxides at low temperature. Here, we show that the Morro da Mina Mn-ore deposit in Minas Gerais, Brazil, contains Mn-silicate–carbonate ore and associated graphitic schist that likely preserve δ98Mo of Palaeoproterozoic seawater, despite a metamorphic overprint of at least 600 °C. The extent of Mo-isotope fractionation between the Mn-silicate–carbonate ore and the graphitic schist is similar to modern Mn-oxide precipitates and seawater. Differences in δ98Mo signals are broadly reflected in cerium (Ce) anomalies, which suggest an oxic–anoxic-stratified Palaeoproterozoic ocean

    GEO-Bench: Toward Foundation Models for Earth Monitoring

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    Recent progress in self-supervision has shown that pre-training large neural networks on vast amounts of unsupervised data can lead to substantial increases in generalization to downstream tasks. Such models, recently coined foundation models, have been transformational to the field of natural language processing. Variants have also been proposed for image data, but their applicability to remote sensing tasks is limited. To stimulate the development of foundation models for Earth monitoring, we propose a benchmark comprised of six classification and six segmentation tasks, which were carefully curated and adapted to be both relevant to the field and well-suited for model evaluation. We accompany this benchmark with a robust methodology for evaluating models and reporting aggregated results to enable a reliable assessment of progress. Finally, we report results for 20 baselines to gain information about the performance of existing models. We believe that this benchmark will be a driver of progress across a variety of Earth monitoring tasks

    Learning from Complex Systems: On the Roles of Entropy and Fisher Information in Pairwise Isotropic Gaussian Markov Random Fields

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    Markov Random Field models are powerful tools for the study of complex systems. However, little is known about how the interactions between the elements of such systems are encoded, especially from an information-theoretic perspective. In this paper, our goal is to enlight the connection between Fisher information, Shannon entropy, information geometry and the behavior of complex systems modeled by isotropic pairwise Gaussian Markov random fields. We propose analytical expressions to compute local and global versions of these measures using Besag's pseudo-likelihood function, characterizing the system's behavior through its \emph{Fisher curve}, a parametric trajectory accross the information space that provides a geometric representation for the study of complex systems. Computational experiments show how the proposed tools can be useful in extrating relevant information from complex patterns. The obtained results quantify and support our main conclusion, which is: in terms of information, moving towards higher entropy states (A --> B) is different from moving towards lower entropy states (B --> A), since the \emph{Fisher curves} are not the same given a natural orientation (the direction of time).Comment: 46 pages, 16 Figure

    The Montreal model: an integrative biomedical-psychedelic approach to ketamine for severe treatment-resistant depression

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    BackgroundSubanesthetic ketamine has accumulated meta-analytic evidence for rapid antidepressant effects in treatment-resistant depression (TRD), resulting in both excitement and debate. Many unanswered questions surround ketamine’s mechanisms of action and its integration into real-world psychiatric care, resulting in diverse utilizations that variously resemble electroconvulsive therapy, conventional antidepressants, or serotonergic psychedelics. There is thus an unmet need for clinical approaches to ketamine that are tailored to its unique therapeutic properties.MethodsThis article presents the Montreal model, a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach to ketamine for severe TRD refined over 6 years in public healthcare settings. To contextualize its development, we review the evidence for ketamine as a biomedical and as a psychedelic treatment of depression, emphasizing each perspectives’ strengths, weaknesses, and distinct methods of utilization. We then describe the key clinical experiences and research findings that shaped the model’s various components, which are presented in detail.ResultsThe Montreal model, as implemented in a recent randomized clinical trial, aims to synergistically pair ketamine infusions with conventional and psychedelic biopsychosocial care. Ketamine is broadly conceptualized as a brief intervention that can produce windows of opportunity for enhanced psychiatric care, as well as powerful occasions for psychological growth. The model combines structured psychiatric care and concomitant psychotherapy with six ketamine infusions, administered with psychedelic-inspired nonpharmacological adjuncts including rolling preparative and integrative psychological support.DiscussionOur integrative model aims to bridge the biomedical-psychedelic divide to offer a feasible, flexible, and standardized approach to ketamine for TRD. Our learnings from developing and implementing this psychedelic-inspired model for severe, real-world patients in two academic hospitals may offer valuable insights for the ongoing roll-out of a range of psychedelic therapies. Further research is needed to assess the Montreal model’s effectiveness and hypothesized psychological mechanisms

    Waterborne Toxoplasmosis, Brazil, from Field to Gene

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    Water was the suspected vehicle of Toxoplasma gondii dissemination in a toxoplasmosis outbreak in Brazil. A case-control study and geographic mapping of cases were performed. T. gondii was isolated directly from the implicated water and genotyped as SAG 2 type I

    A Novel Ecdysone Receptor Mediates Steroid-Regulated Developmental Events during the Mid-Third Instar of Drosophila

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    The larval salivary gland of Drosophila melanogaster synthesizes and secretes glue glycoproteins that cement developing animals to a solid surface during metamorphosis. The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) is an essential signaling molecule that modulates most of the physiological functions of the larval gland. At the end of larval development, it is known that 20E—signaling through a nuclear receptor heterodimer consisting of EcR and USP—induces the early and late puffing cascade of the polytene chromosomes and causes the exocytosis of stored glue granules into the lumen of the gland. It has also been reported that an earlier pulse of hormone induces the temporally and spatially specific transcriptional activation of the glue genes; however, the receptor responsible for triggering this response has not been characterized. Here we show that the coordinated expression of the glue genes midway through the third instar is mediated by 20E acting to induce genes of the Broad Complex (BRC) through a receptor that is not an EcR/USP heterodimer. This result is novel because it demonstrates for the first time that at least some 20E-mediated, mid-larval, developmental responses are controlled by an uncharacterized receptor that does not contain an RXR-like component
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